Tietoja tästä palvelusta
Welcome to our turnkey Shopify service, designed to take your business swiftly into the world of e-commerce. Our comprehensive package includes everything you need to launch and manage a successful online store.
Logo Design: Our package includes a professional, custom logo design to establish a strong identity for your store.
Theme Selection: We use licensed and variable professional Shopify themes, ensuring we select the one that best fits your needs and brand identity.
Product Selection: Using advanced SEO plugins and Google Trends, we carefully choose products based on market analysis and current trends, rather than relying on bestsellers from platforms like Aliexpress or CJDropshipping.
Shipping Management: After a sale, we handle the entire product shipping process. From supplier agreements to logistics services, we ensure your products reach customers on time.
Specialized Services for Clothing Brands: If youre looking to establish a clothing brand, we offer specialized services to support you in creating and launching your brand.
Voit tutustua alta osaajan luomiin valmiisiin paketteihin. Lopullinen hinta ja työn sisältö sovitaan yhteydenoton jälkeen.
5 researched products. Excellent user interface. Customer preview with Vitals support
9 Revisions
What's Included?
- Functional website
- 5 pages
- Responsive design
- Content upload
- 10 plugins/extensions
- E-commerce functionality
- 5 products
- Payment processing
- Opt-in form
- Autoresponder integration
- Speed optimization
- 5 Commercially licensed images
- Social media icons
Palvelun ehdot
nothing just a think :)
Aloita keskustelu
Aloita keskustelu
Hello, I'm Burhan. I'm 27 years old, and I moved to Helsinki for a start-up session. I streamline my work using automation, which often leaves me with spare time. I have a passion for trying new things and learning, which is why I aim to be part of different projects.
I'm deeply involved with artificial intelligence, and I have experience in this field. Tasks like Meta advertising, Shopify, and WooCommerce no longer pose a challenge for me; they've become hobbies. I also have the ability to design products and create advertising films. I'm a professional user of Canva.
I hold various certifications, including Semrush, Google, and SEO-related ones. I work professionally with Semrush and can produce SEO-friendly content. I can analyze On-Page and Off-Page SEO using Google Search Console and manage SEO strategies. I also have experience in acquiring backlinks and creating link schemes.
Hei, olen Burhan. Olen 27-vuotias ja muutin Helsinkiin start-up-istunnon vuoksi. Virtaviivaistan työni automaation avulla, mikä jättää minut usein ylimääräiseen aikaan. Rakastan kokeilla uusia asioita ja oppia, minkä vuoksi pyrin osallistumaan erilaisiin projekteihin.
Olen syvästi mukana tekoälyssä, ja minulla on kokemusta alalta. Tehtävät, kuten Meta-mainonta, Shopify ja WooCommerce eivät enää ole minulle haaste, vaan ovat muuttuneet harrastuksiksi. Minulla on myös kyky suunnitella tuotteita ja luoda mainoselokuvia. Olen ammattimainen Canva-käyttäjä.
Minulla on erilaisia sertifikaatteja, mukaan lukien Semrush, Google ja SEO-liittyvät. Työskentelen ammattimaisesti Semrushin kanssa ja voin tuottaa hakukoneoptimoidun sisällön. Voin analysoida On-Page- ja Off-Page-SEO:ta Google Search Console -ohjelmalla ja hallita SEO-strategioita. Minulla on myös kokemusta taustalinkkien hankinnasta ja linkkikaavojen luomisesta.