Kuva & Video>Valokuvaus

Photo services

Photo services
  • Listing image
  • Listing image
  • Listing image

Tietoja tästä palvelusta

Half or full day of shooting photos. 10+/25+ photos delivered with royalty-free license meaning the client keeps the media. Pre-planning session with the client included.


Voit tutustua alta osaajan luomiin valmiisiin paketteihin. Lopullinen hinta ja työn sisältö sovitaan yhteydenoton jälkeen.

Half day photo shoot alk.
360,00 €
Half day shoot that delivers 10+ edited photos with royalty free license.
Full day photo shoot alk.
720,00 €
Osaajan tiedot
Christian A
Christian A
Media professional - Photo & Video
Freedomlyn Code of Conduct
Lue ohjeistus tästä


Hey! My name is Chris and I am a professional outdoor and adventure photographer based in Southern Finland. I produce photos and videos with a focus on authentic storytelling inspired by the outdoors. I can help your brand/service with creating: - Authentic content for online media - Powerful media to boost your visual identity - Photos, short videos, visual branding and more! Every project is unique so send me some information on whatever it is you are working on and lets get started!