Verkkokaupat & Verkkosivut>Verkkosivujen kehittäminen

Web Development

Web Development
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Tietoja tästä palvelusta

I offer full-stack web development, from design to frontend implementation, to backend development to adjust the website to your custom needs.

You can see a variety of completed works on my website.


Voit tutustua alta osaajan luomiin valmiisiin paketteihin. Lopullinen hinta ja työn sisältö sovitaan yhteydenoton jälkeen.

Custom Website alk.
1 800,00 €

Custom Website, with custom Design and Content, and interactive Elements (Portfolio, Shop, Likes, Contact Form, Inquiry Form, CRM/Lead creation, Lead management Dashboard)

Palvelun ehdot

Structure and content of the website (can be a draft)

Osaajan tiedot
Urs R
Urs R
Senior Software Engineer
40-59 / h
Code of Conduct
Lue ohjeistus tästä
Tietoa minusta

Growing up with computers, I built my first website when I was 12 years old, and my first multi-user blog at age 15. Since then I have been able to hone my skills in diverse projects involving Finnish companies, the Swiss cantonal governments, the Swiss national news channel, different foundations, corporations, associations, and private clients.

I've worked as freelancer, as team member, and as director of IT projects in various capacities. I have experience: It means I know what I need to understand before the work begins, and what questions to ask to avoid development ...

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9/2019 - jatkuva
Software Engineer
Front-End and Back-End Development for SaaS platform used by several Swiss cantons for job seekers.
Lytefire Oy
5/2014 - jatkuva
Software Engineer
Creation of Website, CRM, Cloud Services, User Acquisition, Backend and Frontend Development.


College of the Atlantic, USA
Bachelor of Arts in Human Ecology, Minor in Software Engineering, Sustainable Development
Valmistumisvuosi 2012