Mikko H
Mikko H
Senior Fullstack Developer
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Software professional with 10+ years of experience in programming and software 

development. His core competence is in designing and developing responsive 

web applications. He has great development and problem-solving skills to 

achieve high quality software.

Over the past years he has been developing multiple web app projects using Angular, .Net 4.7, .Net Core and Node js among many other technologies.

Overall, Mikko has deep and wide knowledge about developing responsive web 

applications from start to finish. ...

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Kiinnostuksen kohteet


Qreform Oy
8/2023 - 4/2024
Senior Full Stack Developer
 Working as freelancer Senior Full Stack Developer for Qreform Oy. Part of the software developer team for the main product Rego. Rego is LTS ERP product that needs to be maintained and modified for large amount of customer companies mainly in Finland. The sector is Quality and Work Safety control, including different kinds of interactive educations and keeping track of employees’ competencies etc.  Technologies include MS .Net, MS SQL, Javascript, Angular JS, HTML, CSS, LLBLGen etc.
Lease Deal It Oy / Tilastokeskus
9/2022 - 4/2023
Senior Full Stack developer
 Working as a consultant / Senior Full Stack developer for Tilastokeskus. The project was offered via Lease Deal It Oy recruiting/consultant company. This is my first project for my own software/consultant company Codelancer Oy.  Tilastokeskus (Statistics Finland) is a Finnish government institution to provide statistics and expertise in statistical sciences.  Responsibilities include developing backend API and various tools for Metsy project, which is an internal system for providing and editing metadata for the statistics. Project includes .Net Core 6 backend API, GraphQL interface, Vue based frontend, tight CI/CD pipeline integration with Azure, and various other tools.  Part of Metsy senior developers team to take part in everything technical planning and implementation.  Used technologies: .Net Core 6.0, C#, CosmosDB, VUE, Javascript, CI/CD Azure pipeline and microservices, Azure DevOps Services
Pepron Software Services Oy
5/2021 - 9/2022
Senior Full Stack developer
 Working as a consultant / Senior Full Stack developer for Osuuspankki banking software development division. Loan Security (Vakuudet) team.  Responsibilities include further developing, bug fixing and improving the quality of main Loan Security API used internally with OP services. The API includes multiple integrations with bank’s internal, but also external API’s. The goal is to offer intelligent and highly automated data for bank’s loan services to reduce the amount of manual work and improve connectivity.  Part of senior developers team to take part in everything technical planning and implementation.  Used technologies: .Net Core 3.1, Javascript, Angular, SQL, MS Server, OP’s internal CI/CD pipeline including Bitbucket, Jenkings, Dynatrace etc.


Tietotekniikan insinööri (Bachelor of Science), Ohjelmistokehitys
Valmistumisvuosi 2015

Ota yhteyttä käyttäjään Mikko H palvelulistauksen kautta