>Ohjelmointi & web-kehitys>Ohjelmistokehitys


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18 tulosta
18 tulosta
Hi, I am Sr. Full-Stack Web & Mobile Application Developer. I provide development and consultation services working full-time/part-time/freelance basis. Having developed & deployed several web apps and mobile apps across platforms iOS & Android. Whether you want me to work from scratch or work on some specific feature I am available for both! 📈 Some Statistics 100k+ User traffic on avg | 300k+ transactions performed last year | 08 yrs in tech | 07 Industries | Clients in 19 countries | Startups | Small to Large Enterprises 🏭 Industries worked with Event Management, Hospitality, Food & Restaurant, Ecommerce, Education, Social, and Trading. Helped Clients in Getting partners on board, Raise investments, Concept to MVP and MVP to full product, Building that top 1% brands, Attract Users and competitors for merger, Building trust among parties including banks, service providers, agencies, social media, and vendors, Smooth daily transactions, Wide-view analytics, Clear transparency, Quick Support. Tech 🔙 Backend: Node, Express, Nest, Cloud functions, Reddis 🔝 Frontend: JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue, Redux, Redux toolkit query, Tailwind 📱 Mobile: React Native CLI & Expo, Flutter, Capacitor </> Mobile Libraries: Redux, Redux toolkit query, React Navigation, GetX 💾 Database: MongoDB, MySQL, Firebase ☁️ Cloud: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Digital Ocean, Heroku, Vercel 📝 CMS: Strapi ⚙ Integration: Google Services, AWS, Twillo, Agora, Facebook Graph, Social Authentications, and several other third parties 🛒 E-commerce: NextJS, Shopify 💲 Payment Gateways: PayPal, Stripe, Apple Pay, G Pay, Mada, HyperPay, MangoPay, Mcb Juice, Peach Payments and more. 🛠 DevOps: Jenkins, Nginx, PM2, Linux Shell, CI/CD, SSL, and GitHub Actions 🚀 Mobile Deployment: Apple Store, Google Play
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Mobile App Development
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