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20 tulosta
Hello there! I'm Bianka, an enthusiastic engineer based in the beautiful landscapes of Finland. I've immersed myself in the world of creativity, specializing in crafting compelling websites, designing eye-catching logos, curating engaging content, and efficiently managing projects from conception to fruition. What fuels my passion is the thrill of bringing new businesses to life. Client satisfaction is at the core of my work. Ensuring that my clients not only get what they want but also feel the value in my creations is my ultimate goal. I firmly believe in building relationships founded on trust, and simplicity guides my working methods. Trust is the cornerstone of any successful collaboration, and it's a principle I hold dear. Being a dedicated worker, I take the time to listen attentively to my clients. It's not just about understanding their requirements; it's about going beyond and contributing valuable ideas that enrich the entire project. I view each project as a canvas where every detail matters. When I wrap up a project, it's not just a conclusion; it's a commitment to presenting it in the most beautiful way possible. After all, the work I produce is a reflection of my brand. "Connecting future with Illyrian ICT" isn't just a catchy phrase, it encapsulates the essence of how I approach every project. I'm not just building websites; I'm paving the way for businesses to thrive online and connect with their target customers. I'm eager to hear more about you and explore the possibilities of collaboration. Let's have a chat and bring more innovative ideas to life. Looking forward to connecting, Bianka :)
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Artikkelien kirjoittaminen
Documentation Manager
Hello there! I'm Bianka, an enthusiastic engineer based in the beautiful landscapes of Finland. I've immersed myself in the world of creativity, specializing in crafting compelling websites, designing eye-catching logos, curating engaging content, and efficiently managing projects from conception to fruition. What fuels my passion is the thrill of bringing new businesses to life. Client satisfaction is at the core of my work. Ensuring that my clients not only get what they want but also feel the value in my creations is my ultimate goal. I firmly believe in building relationships founded on trust, and simplicity guides my working methods. Trust is the cornerstone of any successful collaboration, and it's a principle I hold dear. Being a dedicated worker, I take the time to listen attentively to my clients. It's not just about understanding their requirements; it's about going beyond and contributing valuable ideas that enrich the entire project. I view each project as a canvas where every detail matters. When I wrap up a project, it's not just a conclusion; it's a commitment to presenting it in the most beautiful way possible. After all, the work I produce is a reflection of my brand. "Connecting future with Illyrian ICT" isn't just a catchy phrase, it encapsulates the essence of how I approach every project. I'm not just building websites; I'm paving the way for businesses to thrive online and connect with their target customers. I'm eager to hear more about you and explore the possibilities of collaboration. Let's have a chat and bring more innovative ideas to life. Looking forward to connecting, Bianka :)
Sosiaalisen median sisällöt
Artikkelien kirjoittaminen
Web Development with Wordpress
Yhteistyökumppani sinulle, joka haluaa työskennellä rennosti mutta tehokkaasti, uutta visioiden ja rajoja rikkoen. Autan sinua luomaan sellaisen presenssin verkkoon, että jäät mieleen - tarvitset sitten someapua, sisällöntuotantoa, mainostekstien laatimista, verkkosivujen rakentamista, tapahtumasuunnittelua, brändin kehittämistä, verkkokurssien luomista, mentoria viemään itsetuntosi seuraavalle tasolle tai kokenutta joogaohjaajaa pitämään huolta työntekijöidesi hyvinvoinnista. Edellämainitsemistani osaamisalueista minulla on 2-10 vuoden kokemus, ja tarjoan asiakkailleni monipuolisen sekä omalaatuisen osaamiseni, sekä leikkaavan terävän visionäärisen sekä edelläkävijän asenteen, joka ei häpeile mitään ja tuo yritykseesi luovaa sekä anteeksipyytelemätöntä energiaa. Parhaimmillani olen se voima palveluksessasi, joka auttaa sinua hyppäämään seuraavan kynnyksen yli ja rikkomaan sinua rajoittavat lasikatot. Tsemppaan, kannustan, kyseenalaistan, autan kaikissa internettiin liittyvissä asioissa sekä olen oikea kätesi virtuaaliassistenttina. Samalla pyöritän omaa verkkokurssibisnestä, jossa autan naisia löytämään oma alkukantainen voimansa niin kehollisesti, mielellisesti kuin sielullisesti. Osaamista löytyy siis myös verkkokurssien luomisesta ideasta toteutukseen sekä myyntiin asti. Tästä assari, jonka asennetta tulet ihailemaan siinä määrin, että ehkä jonakin päivänä olemme liikekumppaneita, jos koemme olevamme se täydellinen match. Työskentelen pääasiassa etänä, mutta livetapaamisista sekä työskentelystä mahdollista sopia erikseen tarpeen mukaan.
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